Plastic Surgery Center of Naples
860 111th Ave., N Suite #6, Naples, FL 34108
Fax: 239-631-5912

Gunnar Bergqvist MD
410 Cranberry St # 310, Erie, PA 16507
Telemed: 814-480-8220 or 866-416-SKIN

Skin Reduction Surgery

Skin reduction surgery also known as body contouring procedures may include:

  • arm lift correcting sagging skin of the upper arms
  • breast lift correcting sagging flat and breasts
  • facelift correcting the face
  • lower body, hips, sagging skin of the abdomen buttocks inner/outer thighs
  • medial thigh lift, correcting sagging skin of the inner thigh
  • tummy tuck corrects the apron of excess skin hanging over the abdomen

Who is a good candidate?

A good candidate for skin reduction surgery is somebody whose

  • weight has been stabilized after extreme weight loss.
  • Healthy individuals without severe medical conditions that impair healing or increased risk of surgery,
  • nonsmokers,
  • individuals with realistic goals and individuals who are looking to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Body contouring is discussed at the time of the consultation it is often priced due to the amount of work being done and the complexity of the person’s situation as every single one is individual.

Fees will include anesthesia fees hospital or facility costs medical tests post-surgery garments prescriptions and a surgeon’s fee.

What should I expect before surgery?

Your surgeon will discuss:

  • Your surgical goals your medical conditions and previous surgeries
  • he will evaluate your overall health in any pre-existing conditions
  • he will examine your body and take detailed measurements as well as photographs for your record
  • he will discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment
  • he will discuss likely outcomes of body contouring and risks of complications

The success and safety of this procedure depend on the complete candidness during your consultation. Ask questions to help me prepare the checklist of questions.  It’s important to understand all of the aspects of this procedure it is natural to feel anxious.

Ask your surgeon

  • are you certified by the American board of plastic surgery?
  • were you trained in the field of plastic surgery?
  • how many years of experience have you had?
  • do hospital privileges to perform this procedure if so where?
  • what will be expected of me to get the best results?
  • Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
  • where and how will you perform my procedure?
  • how long of a recovery can I expect?
  • how can I expect to look overtime or after another pregnancy?
  • what are my options if I’m dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome of the procedure?


  • bleeding
  • infection
  • fluid accumulation
  • poor wound healing
  • skin loss
  • potential blood clots or DVT
  • numbness or other changes in skin sensation s
  • scarring

Body contouring should be performed in an accredited office-based surgical facility, licensed ambulatory surgical center or hospital. If your body contouring is performed on an outpatient basis, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you to and from and just stay with you for the first night after surgery.

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