Plastic Surgery Center of Naples
860 111th Ave., N Suite #6, Naples, FL 34108
Fax: 239-631-5912

Gunnar Bergqvist MD
410 Cranberry St # 310, Erie, PA 16507
Telemed: 814-480-8220 or 866-416-SKIN

Laser tattoo removal Using Q Switch

Laser tattoo removal and pigmentation correction (brown spots) using  The Q Switch corrects brown spots, removes tattoos, also rejuvenates, and helps with skin tightening. 

How it works: Laser tattoo removal is the only clinically-proven method of removing a tattoo without causing scarring.  For more than a decade, Q-switched lasers have been designed to create ultra-short pulses of light energy that shatter ink in a tattoo.
The production of ultra-short (nanosecond) pulses of the precise wavelengths of light energy best designed to shatter tattoo ink is the hallmark of  Q-Switch technology.  

Laser-Skin Interaction

During a tattoo removal procedure, laser light is applied to the tattooed area of the skin. The light is selectively absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, leaving the surrounding skin tissue and chromophores unharmed.

The tattoo ink particles absorb the laser energy, heat up, and shatter into smaller ink particles. In the days and weeks following a laser treatment, the body’s immune system flushes away the shattered ink particles, causing the tattoo to fade.  Over a series of treatments, more and more of the ink shatters, leaving the skin free of ink.

The laser beam carries energy to the skin and is selectively absorbed by tattoo ink particles.


Tattoo ink can be difficult to shatter and remove, and only Q-switched lasers are able to produce sufficient fluence (energy or power) to remove dark and bright tattoos without unattractive side effects like scarring. Q-switched laser pulses last mere nanoseconds (billionths of a second), providing high levels of fluency for quality ink shattering.

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